

网址://www.bamhughes.com 手机页面二维码 2019-07-23 16:11:14    


Tableware for children is not as simple as a meal or meal. Children may accidentally become lead poisoned, which is a headache for parents. Having a set of cutlery you like can cultivate your baby's interest in eating. Before the baby's three years old, the hand muscle strength is insufficient, the hands lack coordination, independent bowl eating can exercise the coordination of small wrist muscle groups. Today, the small edition of disposable tableware manufacturers will give you a summary of how parents can reasonably choose suitable tableware for their babies.
1.彩色餐具易可能引起铅中毒 彩色餐具的装饰图案及一些色彩鲜艳的塑料餐具存在着隐患。比如彩色的陶瓷餐具使用的颜料一般都含有一定量的铅,有的含有镉,长期使用这些餐具盛放醋、果汁、蔬菜等有机酸含量高的食品时,餐具中的铅等重金属就会溶出并随食品一起进入人体蓄积,久而久之,就会引发慢性铅中毒。宝宝吸收铅的速度比成人快6倍,过量的铅会对宝宝的智力发育产生负面影响。
1. Coloured tableware may easily cause lead poisoning. The decorative patterns of coloured tableware and some colourful plastic tableware have potential safety hazards. For example, the pigments used in color ceramic tableware generally contain a certain amount of lead, and some contain cadmium. When these tableware is used for a long time to hold food with high organic acid content such as vinegar, fruit juice and vegetables, the heavy metals such as lead in tableware will dissolve and enter the human body's accumulation together with food. Over time, it will lead to chronic lead. Toxicity. Babies absorb lead six times faster than adults, and excessive lead will have a negative impact on their intellectual development.
2.容易破碎的餐具 由于宝宝的手还十分笨拙,“失手”便可能频频发生。一方面会造成食物和用具的浪费,另一方面还可能划伤孩子,此外,也容易丧失孩子学习自行用餐的信心。可以选择正规、的仿瓷、塑料餐具,如聚乙烯、聚苯乙烯、聚丙烯塑料制品等。不要用再生塑料或添加深色色素的塑料及非食品用塑料盛放或包装食品。仿瓷餐具底部都有企业详细信息及生产许可证QS标志和编号;看产品是否上色均匀,是否有变形,表面是否光滑等;买回家后,用开水煮半小时,晾半小时后再煮半小时,反复四次,若有发白和黑点,则是质量不过关的次品。
2. Easy to break tableware because the baby's hands are still very clumsy, "lost hands" may occur frequently. On the one hand, it will cause waste of food and utensils, on the other hand, it may scratch children, in addition, it is easy to lose children's confidence in learning to eat by themselves. Regular and safe imitation porcelain and plastic tableware can be selected, such as polyethylene, polystyrene, polypropylene plastic products, etc. Do not use recycled plastics or plastics with dark pigments or non-food plastics to store or package food. At the bottom of imitation porcelain tableware, there are enterprise details and production license QS signs and numbers; see if the product is uniformly colored, deformed, smooth surface, etc. After buying home, boil it in boiling water for half an hour, then boil it for half an hour after airing for half an hour, repeated four times, if there are whitening and black spots, it is a defective product of poor quality.
3.西式餐具存在隐患 让孩子过早接触西式餐具存在隐患,因为西式餐具中的刀、叉都既坚硬又尖锐,容易将孩子的口唇刺破,造成伤害。另外,西式餐具里的刀叉等通常是用不锈钢材质制作的,使用时不能长时间盛放盐、酱油、醋等。不锈钢的碗是不错的选择,但是不能用微波炉加热,而且要经常用热水煮或高温蒸,既除油垢,又。
3. Western-style tableware has potential safety hazards, which make children contact Western-style tableware too early. Knives and forks in Western-style tableware are both hard and sharp, which can easily pierce children's lips and cause injury. In addition, the knives and forks in Western-style tableware are usually made of stainless steel, so salt, soy sauce, vinegar and so on can not be used for a long time. Stainless steel bowl is a good choice, but it can not be heated in microwave oven, and often boiled in hot water or steamed at high temperature, which can remove grease scale and disinfect.
4.难清洁的餐具 有些餐具由于形状、设计或质地上的原因往往不易清洗干净,或不能进行高温,由此油污和细菌比较容易附着在上面,所以也不是儿童的理想餐具。
4. Difficult to clean tableware has some tableware because of shape, design or texture reasons are often not easy to clean, or can not be high temperature disinfection, thus oil and bacteria are relatively easy to adhere to it, so it is not ideal tableware for children.
5.筷子 一般情况下,宝宝到了3-4岁时才可练习使用筷子。有些家长会要求宝宝过早地使用筷子,不但有揠苗助长之嫌,更可能会因为动作不协调弄得一地饭菜。加上有的爸妈脾气火爆加以责怪或训斥,宝宝进餐的积极性和食欲就会大打折扣。
5. Chopsticks are usually used by babies until they are 3-4 years old. Some parents will ask their babies to use chopsticks prematurely, not only because of the suspicion of helping the seedlings, but also because of the uncoordinated movements to get a meal. Additionally, some parents are hot-tempered to blame or reprimand, the baby's enthusiasm and appetite for meals will be greatly reduced.
Thank you for your serious reading. If you have any questions to follow up, please consult the customer service staff of the Disposable Tableware Official Website. I believe we will give you a satisfactory answer at //www.bamhughes.com.