

网址://www.bamhughes.com 手机页面二维码 2019-08-16 21:08:55    


Corn starch tableware is a disposable tableware. The following edition summarizes some advantages of disposable corn starch tableware, which is also supported by relevant policies.
1.对人无公害 由于它是玉米淀粉和其他环保材料精制而成,不含人体有害物质,可放心长期使用。
1. It is harmless to people because it is refined from corn starch and other environmental protection materials. It does not contain harmful substances to human body and can be used for a long time.
2.零污染 产品埋入泥土中,在适宜的温度下,90天后可降解形成二氧化碳和水,对土壤和空气不造成污染。
2. Zero-polluted products are buried in soil. At the appropriate temperature, they can degrade to form carbon dioxide and water after 90 days, which will not pollute the soil and air.
3.节约资源 玉米淀粉是可再生资源,取之不尽,用之不竭,而纸质餐具和塑料餐具需大量的木材和石油化工产品。以玉米淀粉为原料可节省大量的石油和森林资源。
3. Resource-saving corn starch is a renewable resource, inexhaustible, and paper tableware and plastic tableware need a lot of wood and petrochemical products. Using corn starch as raw material can save a lot of oil and forest resources.
Corn starch tableware as a new type of tableware products has good environmental characteristics, not only to improve the natural environment, but also its products are safe and non-toxic to win the favor of consumers. Corn starch tableware has a good selling point in material and manufacturing technology, and in order to achieve higher added value, we need to make more efforts in the shape design of tableware, so that this product gradually moves to high-end.
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