

网址://www.bamhughes.com 手机页面二维码 2020-12-22 14:04:55    

  Eco-friendly tableware is a great invention. For people, environmental protection tableware uses relatively simple materials, without too much chemical composition, which is safer and healthier for people to use. For the whole environment of the earth, the use of environmental protection tableware, easy to recycle and easy to deal with the characteristics of the environment will not cause great pollution. So environmental protection tableware still needs to be widely promoted. So, what material is environmental protection tableware made of? Today, xiaobian will take you to understand environmental protection tableware materials.
  Disposable lunch box made of plastic mainly PP PP and PS polystyrene two kinds, are non-toxic, tasteless odorless, PP is soft, general PP temperature is -6 degrees to +120 degrees, so it is particularly suitable for hot food, can be heated in the microwave oven, or even in the steam cabinet cooking, Modified PP its use temperature can be controlled in -18 degrees to +110 degrees, this KIND of PP made of lunch box in addition to heating to 100 degrees, can be used in the refrigerator.
  PS is hard and transparent, but easy to tear. PS begins to soften when the temperature reaches 75 degrees, so it is not suitable for hot meals, but PS has good low temperature performance, making it a better packaging material for ice cream.
  Some lunch boxes in order to reduce costs, use PP to do the box, with PS to do the lid, the advantage is that the lid is transparent, and PS is harder, can be made with more thin sheet material, reduce costs, but this design consumers must understand the difference between the two materials, remember not to put the whole box of lunch together with the lid into the microwave heating.
  Cardboard fast food box is made of 300-350 grams of bleached kraft wood pulp cardboard as raw material, through stamping forming process similar to plate processing die cutting bonding or die cutting pressing, shaping and other processes. In order to prevent its seepage of oil or water, it is necessary to spray film on its surface or apply chemical additives. In the process of production and use of human body is non-toxic, no side effects. However, the quality requirements for cardboard are higher, and the cost also increases.
  Using starch as raw materials type edible snack box, as the name suggests, it was based on the starch plants as raw material, adding dietary fiber and other edible processed by mixing kneading, it USES of biological compound, chitosan crosslinked, calcium ion chelating technologies such as refined but become, have dense layer, waterproof layer, network layer and waterproof layer four parts.
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