

网址://www.bamhughes.com 手机页面二维码 2022-05-07 04:27:00    

  Environmental protection tableware is now a big market demand products, enough to show that environmental protection awareness is now popular, then do you know disposable environmental protection tableware can be divided into several categories? Here are three categories.
  Disposable tableware is divided into the following three categories according to the source of raw materials, degradation mode of production process and recycling level:
  Biodegradation: such as paper products (including pulp molding, cardboard coating type), food powder molding, plant fiber molding, etc.
  Photobiodegradable materials: photodegradable/biodegradable plastic (non-foaming) type, such as photobiodegradable PP;
  Easy to recycle materials: such as polypropylene (PP), high impact polystyrene (HIPS), bidirectional tensile polyphenylene (BOPS), natural inorganic mineral filled polypropylene composite products, etc.
  Is environmentally friendly tableware degradable tableware? It isn't. Environmental protection tableware includes easy recycling, easy disposal and easy to absorb (degradation) three types, degradable is only one of them. Degradation is only a supplement of recycling, that is, when a certain packaging material is difficult to be recycled after use or the recycling value is low, it can be considered to use degradation packaging.
  Is the degradable tableware not recycled? It isn't. Any material should not be discarded at will, should actively do a good job of classification and recycling, reduce resource waste and environmental pollution. Even biodegradable products need to be properly disposed of or utilized, and it is nonsense to talk about how fast or slow a product degrades and what is degraded without reference to specific environmental factors.
  Environmental protection tableware is divided into three categories according to the type of the related content is the above, in addition to know the precautions to use, the details will come to the website www.bamhughes.com consultation see it.