

网址://www.bamhughes.com 手机页面二维码 2023-08-17 17:47:07    


Corn starch based degradable environmentally friendly tableware is made from natural corn starch and plant fiber as the base material, supplemented by substances such as biopolyesters and polyols. Its starch content can reach 80%, which can be naturally degraded in soil and natural environment, without pollution or damage to the environment. It has saved non renewable resources such as oil, and has been tested by authoritative national testing departments to meet national standards for various hygiene and physicochemical indicators. It is currently an ideal substitute for the widely used but controversial "disinfectant tableware" in the catering market.
1. Degradable: It has the characteristic of natural degradation in nature (light and soil).
2. Good strength: It can meet the needs of consumers and has strong practicality.
3. No leakage: Good sealing performance, no leakage, can hold rolling oil.
4. No odor: Made from corn starch, the product has a faint aroma of popcorn.
5. Heat resistance: It can withstand high temperatures of 120 ℃ and low temperatures of -18 ℃. It can be used normally in a microwave oven for 5 minutes (must contain sufficient moisture) and can also be used with confidence in a refrigerator.
6. Oil resistance: able to tolerate large amounts of oil in food.
Product advantages
1. 淀粉的——原料天然:以天然玉米淀粉为原料,可持续供应,使天然资源重复使用,循环不息。
1. Starch - Natural raw materials: Using natural corn starch as raw materials, sustainable supply enables the reuse of natural resources and endless circulation.
2. 降解的——可降解:原料为天然高分子化合物,能在自然环境下受微生物作用实现降解。
2. Degradable - Safe and degradable: The raw material is natural polymer compounds that can be degraded by microorganisms in the natural environment.
3. 环保的——绿色环保:产品使用后在自然环境中能快速被微生物降解,成为植物养料,真正做到源于自然,还于自然,有效解决白色污染带来的环境破坏。
3. Environmentally friendly - Green: After use, the product can be quickly degraded by microorganisms in the natural environment, becoming a plant nutrient, truly originating from and returning to nature, effectively solving the environmental damage caused by white pollution.
4. 健康的——害性:原料天然,生产过程无菌生产,检验严格,产品降解后不会对土壤及空气产生毒害,无二次污染的危害。
4. Healthy - Non toxic: The raw materials are natural, the production process is sterile, and disinfection testing is strict. After product degradation, it will not cause toxicity to soil and air, and there is no harm of secondary pollution.
5. Low carbon - strong substitutability: can replace plastic products made from petroleum and paper products made from wood.
6.标准:完全符合“4R+1D”环保标准(4R:即低消耗、可回收、再利用、可循环 1D:可降解)。
6. International standards: Fully comply with the "4R+1D" international environmental standards (4R: low consumption, recyclable, reusable, recyclable 1D: degradable).
The product is non-toxic and harmless, meets the hygiene standards of Chinese QS and US FDA agencies, and is allowed to enter the international market in Europe and America; The biological base content has been tested by the BETA laboratory in the United States to reach 58%, and the biodegradation rate has been tested according to the ISO14855 composting standard, meeting international standard certification and market access requirements for international biodegradable products; The product has been tested and can be used normally at high temperatures of 120 ℃, low temperatures of -18 ℃, and microwave oven strength for 5 minutes. The enterprise's quality management system complies with ISO9001:2008, and the environmental management system complies with ISO14001:2004.
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