

网址://www.bamhughes.com 手机页面二维码 2018-12-04 16:23:49    


A Brief Analysis of the Data Characteristics of Disposable Tableware by the Disposable Tableware Manufacturers
The word "white purification" is not new to everyone. In fact, each of us is a consumer, but also a purifier. When we consume a small amount of money every day, we unconsciously produce various kinds of purification. Plastic bags, foamed lunch boxes and all kinds of plastic packaging Taobao cosmetics, in the use of posterity love, but it can not be used up in a twinkling of an eye, but it has become annoying dregs. Should we think about what has happened to these two ends, whether it is their fault or ours? Here, the manufacturers of disposable lunch boxes suggest that you must choose healthy and qualified products, otherwise it will bring serious adverse effects.
With the slowdown of people's life rhythm and the progress of health and well-being requirements, the use of disposable goods has become a symbol of the quality of civilized life. For more than 10 years, foamed tableware has played a great role in ensuring people's healthy diet and fast pace of life because of its high quality and low price. Its annual usage is as high as 100,000 tons (equivalent to 20 billion dining boxes) and its volume is more than 2 million cubic meters. However, due to consumers'discarding at will, untimely recycling management and the difficulty of degradation and decay of products themselves, the white purification has become increasingly serious.
一次性餐具一切产品原资料均采用食品级环保六级的PS 资料、纯动物提取,平安,并经过高分子浸透和微生物分解技术,从基本上无效去除无害成分。每一道消费流程均经过精细设备的260度低温注塑成型,经紫外线后,由自动流水线无菌包装而成;产品厚度到达0.6毫米,比同类产品厚0.2—0.3毫米,抗撞力和耐压性爲同类塑料餐具的2-5倍.
All the raw materials of disposable tableware products are extracted from food grade environmental protection grade VI PS materials, pure animals, safe and non-toxic, and through macromolecule soaking and microbial decomposition technology, harmless ingredients are basically removed from the ineffective. Each consumption process is formed by 260 degree low temperature injection moulding of fine equipment, sterilized by ultraviolet radiation, and sterilized by automatic assembly line. The thickness of the product reaches 0.6 mm, 0.2-0.3 mm thicker than the same kind of product, and the crashworthiness and pressure resistance are 2-5 times of the same kind of plastic tableware.
Often dining out people will have such a habit, no matter how high-end restaurants or hotels, as long as they provide ceramic disinfection tableware, consumers will habitually use boiling water to disinfect tableware carefully once. Nowadays, consumers have been totally desperate to sterilize tableware. Even if the appearance of sterilized tableware is clean, consumers will feel unsanitary.
When eating in a restaurant, consumers usually stop disinfecting the dishes themselves. Hot-boiled bowls are rare and often used. Others include wiping them with paper towels. Some consumers even use liquor to disinfect, pour liquor into bowls, and then extinguish liquor to achieve the purpose of sterilization.
用开水来基本达不到的目的,从迷信上讲,低温普通要具有两个条件,一是温度要高,二是工夫要长, 严厉来说一些比拟盛行的细菌,像大肠杆菌、沙门氏菌、霍乱弧菌等,必需要在100℃低温下,工夫到达非常钟以上,这样细菌才干死亡。所以,吃饭前用开水烫餐具,只能洗去碗上的灰尘,杀死极多数微生物,不能真正到达的目的.
Sterilization with boiling water can hardly achieve the purpose of sterilization. Superstitiously speaking, low temperature sterilization generally requires two conditions: high temperature and long time of sterilization. Strictly speaking, some bacteria, such as E.coli, Salmonella and Vibrio cholerae, which are comparable to the prevailing ones, must be sterilized at low temperature of 100 degrees Celsius. It takes more than ten minutes for the bacteria to die. Therefore, hot dishes with boiling water before eating can only wash away the dust on the dishes, killing most microorganisms, and can not really achieve the purpose of disinfection.
To sum up, Anhui Xinke Biological Environmental Protection Co., Ltd. provides more knowledge about disposable tableware. Welcome to our website: //www.bamhughes.com. Thank you for your support.