

网址://www.bamhughes.com 手机页面二维码 2021-09-24 17:07:55    


Disposable polystyrene foamed tableware is difficult to degrade, and it is still difficult to recycle it comprehensively. To this end, order No. 6 of the State Economic and Trade Commission has clearly stipulated that disposable foamed tableware will be banned by the end of 2000, and put forward the basic requirements for replacement products, that is, it is easy to recycle and degradable. The new national standard for degradable tableware has been stepped up and is expected to be issued within the year. So what is suitable for alternative products?
In order to answer this question, we must have a full understanding of the following questions before we can draw a scientific conclusion.
(1) Raw material problem
快餐餐具是一次性消费用品, 使用周期短, 用量大, 因此原料来源应立足于国内,尽量减少原料进口,避免对外汇的依赖性和对市场变化的不可控性。像纸板餐具, 由于其原料以木浆为主, 而我国木材资源严重匮乏, 所以大量制作纸板餐具就不大符合我国国情。另外,对一些原料组成复杂,质量难于保证的产品也应加强监督管理。
Fast food tableware is a disposable consumer product with short service cycle and large consumption. Therefore, the source of raw materials should be based on China, minimize the import of raw materials, and avoid dependence on foreign exchange and uncontrollability of changes in the international market. Like cardboard tableware, because its raw materials are mainly wood pulp, and China's wood resources are seriously scarce, making a large number of cardboard tableware is not in line with China's national conditions. In addition, supervision and management should also be strengthened for some products with complex raw material composition and difficult quality assurance.
(2) Production status
近几年我国快餐业发展较快, 快餐具的用量已超过100亿只, 每年以 6%以上的速度递增。从目前市场使用情况看, 发泡PS餐具在近期内仍是快餐餐具的主流, 现有拉片机130多台, 每年PS原料用量在10万吨左右, 产能在120亿只以上。聚丙烯(PP)类餐具的生产量目前并不大, 只在铁路系统部分使用光/生物降解PP餐盒, 用量在3亿只左右,但因在铁路使用效果较好,已有不少企业在新上该类产品 。
In recent years, China's fast food industry has developed rapidly. The consumption of fast tableware in China has exceeded 10 billion, increasing at a rate of more than 6% every year. From the current market use, foamed PS tableware is still the mainstream of fast food tableware in the near future. There are more than 130 tablet pullers, with an annual consumption of about 100000 tons of PS raw materials and a production capacity of more than 12 billion. At present, the production of polypropylene (PP) tableware is not large. Only about 300 million photo / biodegradable PP lunch boxes are used in the railway system. However, due to the good effect in railway, many enterprises have introduced this kind of products.
纸板餐具和纸浆模塑餐具已有三十多家, 但是由于这些餐具无论从还是性能都不敌PS餐具, 所以大部分厂家处于停机状态, 其产能估计在30亿只左右。
There are more than 30 cardboard tableware and pulp molded tableware, but because these tableware are inferior to PS tableware in terms of price and performance, most manufacturers are in shutdown, and their production capacity is estimated to be about 3 billion.
其它类型餐具如草纤维类、全淀粉类虽有少量的生产能力,但还未正式进入市场,处于完善阶段,估计产能在5亿只左右。因此, 从目前生产能力看已大大过剩, 如目前进行投资建厂必须考虑快餐具的发展方向和市场竞争问题, 否则肯定会对企业造成巨大损失。
Although other types of tableware such as grass fiber and whole starch have a small amount of production capacity, they have not officially entered the market and are in the stage of improvement. It is estimated that the production capacity is about 500 million. Therefore, from the current production capacity, there is a great surplus. If we invest and build a factory at present, we must consider the development direction and market competition of fast tableware, otherwise it will certainly cause huge losses to the enterprise.
The above is the knowledge about disposable environment-friendly tableware provided by Xiaobian. Please continue to pay attention to our website for more wonderful contents: //www.bamhughes.com